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Georg Kolbe- Alfred Flechtheim
Art dealer of the Avantgarde

Georg Kolbe

15.04.1877 Waldheim - 20.11.1947 Berlin
Alfred Flechtheim and Georg Kolbe

Georg Kolbe initially studied decorative painting at the Kunstgewerbeschule in Dresden from 1893–94. In 1895 he attended a private school run by the Hungarian painter Simon Hollósy and studied painting at the Kunstakademie in Munich from 1895–1997. In 1897 he switched to the Académie Julien to Paris. After meeting Louis Tuaillon in Rome in 1899 his interest turned towards sculpture. After periods spent in Bayreuth and Leipzig Kolbe moved to Berlin in 1904. Through the intervention of Max Klinger, he participated at the World’s Fair in St. Louis in 1904 and became a member of the Berlin Secession in 1905. He was represented by the Galerie Paul Cassirer. He spent 1905 in Florence as the winner of the Villa Romana prize awarded by the Deutscher Künstlerbund (Association of German Artists). He later took a close interest in the work of Aristide Maillol, participated in the Salon d’Automne in Paris in 1909 and met Auguste Rodin. In 1912 the Nationalgalerie Berlin acquired his sculpture ‘Die Tänzerin’ (1911–12). In 1918 he was appointed professor and accepted into the Preußische Akademie der Künste in 1919. He joined the Arbeitsrat für Kunst (Workers council for art) and was president of the Freie Secession from 1919–21. The bust of Friedrich Ebert that he made for the Reichstag in 1925 caused a furore and it was not allowed to be shown. He received an honorary doctorate from the University of Marburg in 1927.

His works were exhibited on several occasions at the Galerie Alfred Flechtheim from 1927 onwards. His sculpture ‘Der Morgen’ was shown at the World’s Fair in 1929 in the German pavilion.

Kolbe’s ‘Heinrich Heine Memorial’ (1913) in Frankfurt/Main and the ‘Rathenau Fountain’ (1929) in Berlin were dismantled between 1933–34. From 1937–44 he exhibited at the Große Deutsche Kunstausstellung at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst in Munich.

In 1945 he became a member of the Kulturbund zur demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands and submitted a design for a competition in 1946 for a memorial to the victims of Fascism.  

Individual exhibitons at the Galerie Flechtheim

März 1930

Georg Kolbe
Berlin, Lützowufer 13

November–Dezember 1931

Georg Kolbe
Berlin, Lützowufer 13

Group exhibitions at the Galerie Flechtheim

Juni 1929

Lebende deutsche Kunst aus rheinischem Privatbesitz
Düsseldorf, Königsallee 34

März–April 1930

Düsseldorf, Königsallee 34

Sommer 1930

Sommer 1930: Renoir und lebende Meister
Berlin, Düsseldorf, (Lützowufer, Königsallee)

Mai–Juni 1932

111 Porträts zeitgenössischer Künstler. Selbstbildnisse. Bildnisse von Malern, Dichtern, Schauspielern, Musikern, Boxern usw.
Berlin, Lützowufer 13

Juni–August 1927

Das Problem der Generation. Die um 1880 geborenen Meister von heute Erster Teil: Die Deutschen
Berlin, Lützowufer 13

November–Dezember 1930

Seit Liebermann in Deutschland. Aquarelle, Zeichnungen, Graphik
Düsseldorf, Königsallee 34

Januar–Februar 1933

Lebendige deutsche Kunst. Ausstellungsfolge in drei Abteilungen. Veranstaltet von Paul Cassirer und Alfred Flechtheim. Zweite Ausstellung beim Kunstsalon Paul Cassirer
Berlin, Viktoriastraße 35


