Art dealer of the Avantgarde

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

Found in 1815 by the banker and merchant Johann Friedrich Städel, the Städel Museum is the oldest museum foundation in Germany and houses one of the most important international art collections.

The holdings comprise 3,000 paintings, 600 sculptures, more than 100,000 drawings and prints, as well as 1600 photographs. Since the completion of the extension for contemporary art in February 2012, 700 years of art history are now exhibited in a space covering more than 80,000 square feet. Numerous internationally renowned temporary exhibitions and a comprehensive education programme underline the museum’s reputation. This includes a wide range of guided tours and events, also in the multimedia sector, audioguides, a digital pictorial adventure for children and a multi-touchscreen in the small exhibition space overlooking the river, as well as rooms for research, consolidation and individual creative activities. Visitors can, therefore, experience something new every time they visit the museum.

Städel Museum Frankfurt am Main
Schaumainkai 63
60596 Frankfurt am Main
T 069-605098-0
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main

