Title: Weintrauben
Date: 1924
Dimensions: 22 cm x 33 cm
Genre: Painting
Year of acquisition: 1968
Whereabouts: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
Medium: Öl auf Leinwand
Museum director at time of acquisition: Erwin Petermann
Alfred Flechtheim and Juan Gris
The Spanish painter Juan Gris is one of the principal respresentatives of Synthetic Cubism along with Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. During the ground-breaking period when Cubism evolved from 1906–09, Gris’ studio was next to Picasso’s in the so-called ‘Bateau Lavoir’ – an old, delapidated building in Paris that, at that time, was the centre of the avant-garde scene. Gris, however, did not initially actively participate in intense artists debates himself, working instead as an illustrator for various magazines in Paris until 1910. It was only in 1912 that Gris started to join the artistic discourse and had a decisive influence on Cubism over the next five years.
Gris met the gallery owner Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler who was based in Paris in 1911 and signed an exclusive contract with him in 1913. This had to be dissolved due to the outbreak of World War I, but was renewed when Kahnweiler opened his Galerie Simon in 1920. Just a short time later, the two art dealers Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler and Alfred Flechtheim formed an exclusive joint venture and Flechtheim took on the representation in Germany of all artists at Galerie Simon. From then on Gris belonged to those artists closely associated with Flechtheim. His ‚Notes sur ma peinture’ were published in ‘Der Querschnitt’ in September 1923 on the occasioin of his first solo exhibition at the gallery in Berlin. A further solo exhibition followed in 1925 at the gallery in Düsseldorf.
The solo exhibitions organised by Flechtheim were the only ones held outside Paris during the artist’s lifetime. Flechtheim paid tribute to Gris’ work following the artist’s death with a large retrospective in 1927. In his monograph on Gris, Kahnweiler wrote of Flechtheim: “Gris owed so much to this enthusiastic art lover, this great art dealer, this tireless patron of art.”
Das Stilleben zeigt Weintrauben in einer Schale, einen Löffel und ein Gefäß, die auf einem durchsichtigen Stück Stoff drapiert sind. Die Formen der einzelnen Gegenstände sind leicht eckig, aber nicht mehr eindeutig dem Kubismus zuzuordnen, sondern sanfter in Form und Farbgebung. Die Weintrauben in der Schale haben ihre rundliche Form behalten. Das Gemälde ist in erdbraunen Tönen gemalt, die mit dem durchscheinenden Stoff und dem durchsichtigen Löffel kontrastieren.
Juan Gris befand sich 1923/24 in einer Schaffenskrise, in der er sich stärker dem Realismus zuwandte. Kurz darauf verwarf er auf Anraten seines Kunsthändlers Kahnweiler diese Entwicklung und kehrte zu seinem ursprünglichen Stil zurück.
"In memoriam Juan Gris", Galerie Flechtheim, Berlin, Ausstellungskatalog, Nr. 37, Februar 1930 Kunsthaus Zürich: Juan Gris-Léger, 2.-26.4.1933, Nr. 118 (Leihgabe Alex Vömel)
Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler: Juan Gris, Leben und Werk. Stuttgart 1968
Douglas Cooper/Margaret Potter: Juan Gris: Catalogue raisonné de l'œuvre peint établi avec la collaboration de Margaret Potter. Paris 1977. Bd. II, S. 306, Nr. 485.
Juan Gris. Christopher Green, mit Beiträgen von Karin von Maur: Ausstellungskatalog der Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Stuttgart 1992-1993.
Die Sammlung Kahnweiler. Von Gris, Braque, Léger und Klee bis Picasso. Hans Albert Peter. Ausstellungskatalog. Düsseldorf 1994-1995
Juan Gris. Peintures et dessins 1887-1927. Ausstellungskatalog, Musée Cantini, Marseille, Marseille 1998. S. 110, Nr. 73.